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The team

We are a group of professional experts in the areas of gastronomy, nutrition, and digital games, and fate has brought us together to develop this tremendous game that, in addition to entertaining, has a mission to change eating habits and help combat the overweight and obesity pandemic. For us, our company is a constant game room, where we enjoy developing and promoting Chef Legion. Without a doubt, the best job we could ask for. Enjoy it.


Our mission


Achieve through competitive and participatory experience, the learning of products, techniques and qualities to prepare healthy dishes, in order to stimulate their understanding and the relationship of balance in child nutrition through interaction between peers while playing . Also the cognitive and practical development in the processes of creating a dish, whether winning or losing in each game. It is known that the game is one of the most important tools for teaching and learning, Plato already said that "more is learned in half an hour of play than a year of conversation". Chef Legion, is a tool that through gamification will achieve interest in students, teachers and parents, generating a change in nutri-gastronomic awareness and practical theoretical application, taking what has been learned to daily use in the kitchen of their homes. Bringing the academy and its knowledge to the path of practical understanding has been a barrier to generating food awareness. Chef Legion breaks with this paradigm, for this reason, with a group of nutrition, gastronomy and design professionals, we have developed this game both physically and in the process for smartphones that we are still developing, which we know will be a great tool to help in this great problematic.

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